DeLauro, D-Conn., motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill that would provide approximately $1.7 trillion in discretionary funding for the 12 fiscal 2023 appropriations bills and emergency supplemental appropriations for aid to Ukraine and disaster relief, along with a wide range of other policy provisions. In base discretionary budget authority, the bill would provide approximately $25.5 billion for the Agriculture Department and related agencies; $82.4 billion for the Commerce and Justice departments and science and related agencies; $797.7 billion for the Defense Department; $54 billion for the Energy Department and federal water projects; $27.6 billion for the Treasury Department, federal judiciary and a number of executive agencies; $60.7 billion for the Homeland Security Department; $38.9 billion for the Interior Department, EPA and related agencies; $207.4 billion for the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education departments and related agencies; $6.9 billion for legislative branch entities; $154.2 billion for the Veterans Affairs Department, military construction, and related agencies; $59.7 billion for the State Department and related agencies; and $87.3 billion for the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development departments and related agencies. The bill would provide $47.3 billion in supplemental appropriations for aid to Ukraine, including more than $27 billion for military operations, procurement and development; $126 million for defense nuclear nonproliferation; $13 billion for economic support; and $2.4 billion for refugee assistance. It would provide over $37 billion in supplemental appropriations for disaster relief and other programs, including $5 billion for the FEMA disaster relief fund, $3.7 billion for USDA assistance to food producers with lost revenue or crops due to natural disasters, $3.5 billion for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, $2.1 billion for dedicated wildland fire management and $1 billion to improve Puerto Rican electric grid resilience. Among other policy provisions, the bill would modify procedures for casting and counting electoral votes in presidential elections; expand tax credits for employers who offer employee retirement savings plans and include various provisions to increase employee enrollment in and contributions to such plans; include a wide range of provisions to expand and improve access to Veterans Affairs Department health care and mental health services, as well other VA benefits; prohibit use of the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok on all federal government devices; modify filing fees for business merger transactions to generally increase fees for larger mergers; and establish a framework for voluntary environmental credit markets to incentivize activities by farmers, ranchers and foresters to reduce or mitigate greenhouse gas emission or sequester carbon. It would also include provisions to address flexibility for state and local coronavirus relief funding, use of Russian asset seizures for Ukraine aid, breastfeeding workplace accommodations, compensation for 9/11 victims, aviation preparedness, ocean and land conservation programs, consumer protections, pesticide safety and lobster fishing regulations. Among health policy provisions, it would extend several Medicare programs, including coverage of certain telehealth services through 2024. It would authorize funding for new and existing mental health programs and initiatives, including a national maternal mental health hotline and state mobile mental health crisis response teams. It would include provisions to address opioid abuse and provisions related to pandemic preparedness, including to support public health workforce retention and research for pathogens of pandemic concerns.